Since late 2022, I've had the pleasure of serving as the Lead Graphic Designer and Creative Manager for The Cougar Cottage in Pullman, WA. Our dynamic marketing team is always innovating, discovering fresh strategies to promote menu items, events, and more. As a proud Washington State University alum, The Coug holds a special place in my heart, making this role exceptionally rewarding. Go Cougs!


    After completing the first draft of a project, I wasn't entirely satisfied with the outcome. However, I trusted the process and remained determined to see it through.


    Feedback is crucial! Once I received feedback, I gained a clearer vision of what to create. The only element retained from the first draft was the skyline I had designed.

  • Its the little details

    Adding texture and shadows made a HUGE difference. This template design was used throughout the football season across various social platforms.

February 24’ Project:

Coug love stories

For the past two years, we've run a social media campaign called "Coug Love Stories," where people share how they met, whether at WSU or The Coug. Submissions are sent via Instagram DM, and I upload the content using a custom template I designed. The slideshow format includes the couple's story, while the story is shared in the caption on social media.


  • Submission template

    I created a template for the submissions. The template mimics polaroid pictures. The Logo on the upper right hand corner is an ode to The Coug having woodne nickels in the past.

  • Multiple Dimensions

    Running the InHouse Slideshow, I am in charge of keeping the material up to date. That includes formatting any social media graphics for the slideshow!

Summer 23’ Project:

During the summer of '23, I created a carousel of "Zodiac Signs as Menu Items." My manager provided 12 menu items for the project, and I used Procreate and Illustrator to design the graphics. The post received great engagement, and it was entertaining to read comments from people reacting to their corresponding menu items. Summer at The Coug can be slow with students back home, so we strive to find ways to keep people engaged with our social media while they're away.

It all begins with the coug

I created this vector image of The Coug and have been able to use it in a variety of social media graphics.

xmas at the coug

Every year The Coug has a “Christmas at The Coug” Holiday party. I took the vector image I created and added so festiveness to it!


The Cougar Cottage with a spooky twist! Changing the colors and shading makes such a difference and always adds to the vibe you are going for!

The night before break

Announcing The Coug is closed for winter break is a sad so we had to find a way to make it not so gloomy! It’s not a goodbye it’s a see you later!

simple and effective

Not all graphics with the location need to be drastically changed to get a message across!


The Land and Munchy'z